Are Small Wind Turbines Worth It? (Pros And Cons to Consider)

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Are Small Wind Turbines Worth It?

We have all had the pleasure of seeing that common sight when driving through the countryside, which consists of undulating meadows and white pinwheel columns with three prongs each dotting the landscape. These little wind turbines represent the future era of sustainable, organic energy and are only beginning to emerge.

The first wave of COVID-19 was sufficient to persuade us of the significance of being responsible with one’s health, finances, and the environment. The idea that producing your own power is simply another pipe dream when it may really be the solution to reduce your cost in half is supported by evidence.

What Exactly Is a Small Wind Turbine?

Small wind turbines, which may also be called “micro wind turbines” or “small wind generators,” are constructed to micro-generate power in residential and commercial properties. Their power output capability ranges from 20 watts to 100 kW.

Do Small Wind Turbines Provide Value?

After an initial outlay, the cost of wind-generated power drops to an almost insignificant level. A modest wind generator has the potential to slash costs in half. Renewable energy, efficient use of space, less environmental impact, and long-term viability are a few of the additional benefits. Inconsistent electricity, the possibility of conflict with animals, loud noise, and zoning limitations are all drawbacks.

Whether you’re in the suburbs, attempting to live off the grid, or simply looking for ways to save expenses, installing a few small wind turbines may be a solid alternative. They provide electricity that is renewable and considerably reduces the amount of carbon impact left behind.

Since we are getting all Nancy Drew on the subject of little wind turbines, let’s New York minute this subject by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the technology.

The Pros of Small Wind Turbines

Free Source of Organic Energy

What are things on earth free to enjoy? That’s correct, a plethora of available materials. The wind has no master. If you reside in a location that gets a lot of wind, the potential that it offers is simply waiting to be used.

The wind is an infinitely renewable resource, similar to a bottomless well. As a result, it is an asset that will last forever. And the more widespread the use of this technology becomes, the lower the price will be able to fall to.

Eco-friendly Alternative

In contrast to power unit plants, which rely on fuels to generate electricity, the energy produced by tiny wind turbines does not degrade the surrounding air quality. The generation of this kind of energy results in the emission of hazardous gases into the atmosphere, which poses serious dangers to human health.

The emissions from smaller wind turbines do not contribute to the formation of pollutants such as acid rain, fumes, or smog. As a result, the use of wind power lessens our reliance on harmful fuels and brings about further advantages for both human health and the environment.

Additionally, it is well recognized that using wind energy helps conserve water reserves. To create the same amount of energy using nuclear power requires around 600 times the amount of water that wind power does, while using coal requires approximately 500 times more water. As can be seen, using wind energy results in reduced water use.

Saves Money

Numerous studies have shown that wind energy is the most cost-effective source of power that is currently available. Therefore, if you invest, you will quickly recoup the money that you put in the beginning and the costs associated with that investment.

A wind speed of less than 5 meters per second annually is all that is required for modest wind turbines to power your house. Small wind turbines have the potential to provide a return on investment in as little as 15 years, if the installation is situated in an advantageous location.

Once they are operational, tiny wind turbines have very modest operating costs, notwithstanding the possibility that their installation may incur some additional costs. The wind is a bonus, while the turbine itself ought to need little maintenance over time.

Space Management

It has been proposed that wind turbines do not necessarily need to be located in close proximity to one another. You may put your property to good use by installing wind turbines that do not need as much space as you think.

There will likely be sufficient space between the turbines when they are installed. Make judicious use of this area. The nation is home to a significant number of wind farms. Each turbine is capable of producing a significant amount of electricity.

Because the tower’s height impacts the amount of power the turbine will create, the higher the elevation of the turbine, the better it is.

The best locations for wind turbines are found between mountain ravines, seashore, atop hills, and broad fields. These are the areas where the wind is often rather strong.

A pond can be seen in the background of this picture of a field with a wind turbine in it.

Do some study before settling on the tower’s height, and then use the area where you are now situated. Finding ideal locations in remote parts of the world is not uncommon. There are occasions when the costs associated with creating wind energy might be greatly reduced by conceiving of a few transmission lines.


We are all aware that the supply of wind is plentiful and does not expire. Wind power’s potential has been growing at a rate of around 15% per year over the course of the previous decade or so.

The formation of wind is influenced by a wide variety of elements, including the heat of the atmosphere caused by the sun, the rotation of the globe, and many more. Energy will continue to be created in a manner that is compatible with the environment for as long as the wind and sun continue to interact.

Possibilities for Householders

Wind power is becoming an increasingly popular choice among homeowners. Users feel more in control of their lives when they are able to create their own electricity using wind energy, similar to what other users have accomplished with solar panels.

We are already aware that wind is a self-sufficient source of energy that may also be used to provide electricity to homes. In addition, customers that have wind turbines installed on their property are eligible for net metering. If more power is generated, a credit will be applied to monthly energy bills via a process known as “net metering.”

If you are a homeowner who generates wind energy, you are eligible for financial compensation for any extra electricity that you produce. The surplus is helpful during power outages as well as when there is a fluctuation in the cost of energy.

Pumps Water, Powers Transportation

A significant number of ancient civilizations used wind power. For instance, Egyptians used wind power to drive boats down the Nile River over 5,000 years before the common era. Around 200 BC, China made use of water pumps propelled by the wind. In a similar fashion, people in Persia and other parts of the Middle East ground grain using windmills whose blades were woven from reeds.

We continue to use approaches that are similar to those described. Electric cars may now be powered by wind energy, and now, we are using wind energy to pump water from further below. In certain regions of the globe, selecting this alternative is seen as the more economical choice.

The Pros and Cons of Small Wind Turbines
The Pros and Cons of Small Wind Turbines

The Cons of Small Wind Turbine


We are aware that wind is not the resource with the highest degree of predictability. According to estimates provided by the industry, wind turbines typically operate at a capacity of anywhere between 30 and 40 percent.

An interruption in your power supply is possible if the weather conditions are not suitable for the user. When your wind turbine is destroyed by severe weather or high winds, you are immediately forced to rely on the power provided by the utility company since you are back where you started.

Wild Life Hazard

The prongs and edges of the turbine pose a significant threat to the local animal population. When birds or other species of animals with wings fly too near to revolving blades, they put themselves at risk. However, these challenges are gradually being resolved or mitigated by developing new technologies and installing turbines in locations that are more suited to their operation.

The application of scientific knowledge is making progress in providing remedies that lessen this risk to animals. However, similar to the majority of available energy sources, technological civilization has the potential to alter the natural environment and the yearly routines of some species. There is a need for more research on these dangers.

Noise Pollution

Tiny wind turbines have a significantly less effect on the environment when compared to big wind turbines or conventional power plants. This is because small wind turbines are both smaller in size and need less room to operate.

In spite of this, there is reason for worry over the noise that is being produced by the blades. It is common knowledge that wind turbines may produce noise levels as high as 50 to 60 dB.


Locational constraints

Some locations throughout the island where the wind tends to build up pace. Most of the time, these hot spots are located in remote places, not in your own backyard.

People often inquire whether it is possible to set up little wind turbines on their rooftops. Technically speaking, the answer is yes. However, it would help if you thought about the implications.

These ecological marvels have been installed on the roofs of some consumers’ homes. Wind turbines, on the other hand, produce vibrations that may be felt throughout their situated structures. As a consequence of this, it may result in increased noise and structural fragility.

It is also possible that the shelf life of your device will be shortened and that the amount of energy it produces will be reduced if your rooftop is located in an area with increased wind activity. The aim will be defeated if additional costs associated with fixing these difficulties are incurred. Because of this, wind turbines that are mounted atop ground-based towers have a lower overall cost.

It is recommended that a small wind turbine have an average tower height of around 65 feet. Nevertheless, this makes it possible for structures or trees in the surrounding area to disrupt the wind’s steady route.

An unstable wind flow is a tiny wind turbine’s worst enemy because it generates turbulence, which further stresses the machine components and confuses the air sensors.

Inconsistent airflow explains why two locations with the same average wind speeds might generate significantly different amounts of energy during the course of an entire year.

No typical device can be substituted for a tiny wind turbine to produce the same amount of energy or maintain the same level of quality. Instead, the production value of each turbine will be distinct and individual, based on the location as well as other external circumstances. Given this, the most effective course of action would be to get the advice of an expert.

Restrictive and Obstructive Regulations

Installation may be difficult on top of the challenges posed by adapting to the high decibel levels of the deafening sound. The installation of a modest wind turbine is made much more difficult because some provincial regulations may make the construction illegal.

Certain localities adhere to rigorous laws that prohibit the installation of turbines in residential zones. Therefore, in order to collect the information necessary for qualifying, speak with the building regulatory authorities or advisory boards in your local area (or your HOA). It is always best to err on the side of caution rather than admit defeat. You need to think carefully about this strategy before you make a choice.

Minimal Scalability

Imagine that you are interested in adding a few kilowatts to your current system in order to make it more efficient (kW). You would assume that it would be a piece of cake from a logistical and financial point of view.

To increase the amount of energy produced by a modest wind installation, you will need to connect an additional turbine, and you will also need to make sure that the turbines are sufficiently apart from one another so that they do not interfere with one another.

Make every effort to stay out of the way by doing exhaustive research on the relevant needs and possibilities, but remember to check in with the area’s experts before you start making investments.

Investment Trade-off

Putting in place the necessary infrastructure requires more funding. For instance, the cost of a modest wind turbine with a capacity of one kilowatt may range anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000 in most cases. These turbines are often used in residential or agricultural settings. In contrast, bigger residential units need around around a 10-kilowatt turbine, which, depending on the specifics of the installation, might cost anywhere between $50,000 and $80,000.

Environmental Impact

In order to install wind turbines, a substantial amount of open land is required; this is because the destruction of trees would run counter to our goal of reducing our negative influence on the environment. As a result, appropriate locations may be difficult to reach or make use of.

Where to Buy Small Wind Turbines

Both House Depot and Lowe’s provide a selection of well-liked compact wind turbines for the home.

However, Amazon is most likely your best bet in this case.

Wind power continues to build on its legacy.

Wind power has been used in a variety of applications, including pumping water, sailing boats and cargo ships, and even in sports.

It has been nearly two centuries since the first steamships powered by coal traveled over the Atlantic Ocean. A Swedish company called the Oceanbird is a wind energy masterpiece developed for the Aquarian age. This company is responsible for bringing us back to that era. This vessel claims to have the capability of carrying 7,000 automobiles.

That wraps up our discussion. The shift toward more environmentally conscious ways of living is, quite literally, a “breath of fresh air.” The domestic wind generator is environmentally friendly, compatible with renewable energy sources, and not prohibitively expensive.